Thursday, June 23, 2011

how to increase your blog visitors

Surely we are pleased to donk kalo much in coming to our blog by the visitors. Not once been even a routine visit to our blog, of course that's what we want. Especially if you want to successfully do business on the internet, one of the conditions is to have a website or blog that has a lot of visitors (high traffic). With so many traffic visitors, of course, your chances for success even greater.
By having an abundance of visitors, you can get more sales. Because you can offer a more expensive ad spots than the sites or blogs that had low traffic. But that often so the question is yes bagimana meningkatkatn way our blog visitors?
Actually there are lots of ways to improve our blog visitors. Below are examples of some of the ways the ways I do to increase visitors to the blog.
Use your domain name easy to remember.
try to have an own domain. The visitors will tend to remember the name short and they would prefer to visit sites that have a short name
Write articles pillar
The meaning of these articles are articles pillar which serves as a "pillar / buffer" traffic to your site.
These articles are usually an article of type "list", such as 10 Tips To Increase traffic, 5 Best Technology Blog, Internet Marketing Definitions, and the like.
These types of articles such pillar will attract traffic like a magnet attracts iron, because people will always find articles like this.
Be diligent to update the post
People will be happy to visit your blog if they always get a new article, which is fresh, fresh. They will not like it, even disappointed, when it comes to your blog and only treated the old articles.
So if you want your site to have loyal readers, who regularly visited, frequently update your blog. My advice, once a minimum of 2-3 days there should be a new article. Or, if you can every day even better.
Often commented
To get traffic to your blog, one of the other ways that can be used is often commented on another blog.
When you write comments on the blogs of others, of course you will be asked for the URL (address) from your site / blog, is not it? Well, that is where traffic will come.
Make sure you enter your blog URL correctly, or the URL of a blog post that you want to promote it right
Use Feedburner
To increase traffic to your blog, one of the other tips that you can do is to utilize the services of
Take advantage of free services from to increase the number of RSS reader of your blog, or even to facilitate readers who want to enjoy your blog via email
Submit your article to Social Bookmarks
Submit your articles to various social bookmarking services like, or or to increase your traffic.
Whenever anyone done searching a topic in accordance with the articles you submit to these sites, you have the opportunity to get additional traffic visitors are free.
SEO Optimization
Learn SEO and apply it to your blog / site, and even to the pages on your site / blog. Traffic from SEO is highly qualified and targetted, and 100% free.
Create articles that are "in" (popular)
By writing articles related to an event that is popular, you may attract lots of links from other blogs or even occupy high positions in search engines (eg google) for keyword-related news articles (since no other blogs that discuss) .
Link exchange
Exchanging links even looks old, but I see for yourself that this is very effective. And bakhan can improve our blog pagerank.
As a last resort, if indeed you are not talented in doing various promotions for free, or you need instant results that normally can not be achieved through traffic for free, my suggestion is to advertise.
hopefully the way the above can be useful and can be a way of increasing visitors to your blog.


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