Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Easy Ways To Treat Sign Wind

Incidentally, I often catch a cold again ya .. Finally See also how to treat colds easily without having to go to the doctor. Okay I wrote an article share here ya .. One of the familiar diseases and frequently attacked by various groups irrespective of status is the Sign of the Winds. Symptoms of this disease is the body chills, headache, and body sometimes tired with sore disekujur body. Moreover as we massage or rub the body part will leave the red effect on the skin that indicates we have been hit by heavy winds Login.

Sign winds usually occur because the body is too tired or the weather is less atmosphere to be accepted by the body. But in some people, colds are a subscription disease because their immune systems are weak so that disrupt their daily work.


The doctor will usually advise us to rest and quite as well as providing some medicines and vitamins to restore the state / condition of the body. How to traditional treatment is often done to Scrape technique. Although quite meujarab, this technique is not recommended by some health experts because it makes one's habits of addiction and damage the skin pores, allowing the wind go back easily. Another treatment is to drink the potion Anti Login wind that is warm and calm the stomach. These ingredients can be obtained easily in the market and already packaged in ready to swallow pill form.

Positive habits to ward off colds

There are two that we can make a habit in order to avoid colds. This habit has been tested by several people and generate enough positive reactions in the body.
1. Exercise. Exercise regularly so that a smooth blood circulation so the body becomes warm and can ward off the effects of colds.
2. Shower doused the body with the launch of the most under the new early-2 rose slowly upward.
3. Doing Sauna Baths (Steam) routine if sufficient funds are available.
4. Familiarize consume beverages containing ginger and mint as both these ingredients have the effect of warm blood circulation and digestion.
Sign Wind can be a symptom of Other Diseases
In some cases, do not look down upon disease Login Winds by health experts identified as a symptom of certain diseases, such as heart disease. So if you experience symptoms of colds but does not go-2 after therapy is completed, then you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid the risk of contracting other, more chronic diseases.
Other tips on how to cope with the disease into the wind without having to doctor:
1. Take a few spring onions, peeled and thinly sliced 2. Give lime juice, add eucalyptus oil 3. Apply to entire body before sleep.
Feel the freshness of the morning when you wake up. Body is back light, healthy and fit again.


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