Thursday, June 23, 2011

10 mistakes to be avoided blogger

As a beginner blogger, aka the newbie perhaps we often do some of these mistakes. Probably because only the rush to pursue income earning alias of the blog or chasing page rank then we often unwittingly make mistakes that. As for some mistakes to be avoided by bloggers are:
Not Updating or update the blog
When creating a new blog we are usually so excited. Sometimes we make a post for the first few days, maybe even a few weeks, and then the number of posts began to fall until the blog is hardly updated at all. Nothing kills a blog faster than lack of updates update alias. Make a commitment to keep your blog to keep updated. Non-updated blog is a dead blog.
Blogging Only For Money
If you are blogging just for money, then you are wrong. Indeed you can make money with a blog, but despite that more failed than succeeded. If you are blogging just to be rich, you will fail.
Posting too fast
I'm sure all bloggers have all done this. I myself, too. A news info or heat up and you want to make a post as soon as possible, but due to rush you for publication, sometimes we forget to proofread again. Every time I do it, there is always a mistake in posting. Before pressing the Publish button, take your time to check posts to ensure it is free from error. If you see a mistake after posting, fix immediately.
Not personalized
A blog is not CNN or People read your blog to get opinions and different viewpoints. Give them what information is needed.
Copy and paste frequently
What makes your blog stand out from the millions of people in blogshere? Is your blog unique or it's just imitate the other? You can write about the same thing as the next blog, but you need to add your own view and makes it unique. Do not just copy and paste what you posted another blog. Give your own opinion. The most unique thing about your blog is you.
No Reply to this comment
A blog is a two-way communication tool, but many bloggers forget that. When readers comment on your blog, please answer it.
Not Giving Full Feed RSS
When you make 10 + posts per day, it is better to offer a full feed RSS. Because if only one post that you send to the RSS feeds then the customer knows only one update this post. by sending a full feed RSS visitors will increase rapidly.
Never visit and make comments to other blogs
The best way to get your blog noticed is by visiting other blogs in your niche. The easiest way to do this is to comment on their blog. I semdiri check comments on my blog all the time and visit their blogs. I have found many great blogs this way. Another wayincluding reaching out to other bloggers linking to them, sending trackbacks and adding themselves in their MyBlogLog community.
Writing for Google than for visitors
Too many bloggers are too caught up with things like key phrases, keyword density, ensuring content is Google friendly etc.. The only thing I have to say about it is; writing for people, not for Google. You can just make the most perfectly optimized page of Google but it may still be ranked number 1 in Google. Because people will not read the pages written for search engines because it does not make sense.
No Reading ilmubuatkamu.Com
I think everyone here would agree that this is the biggest mistake that bloggers do. If the latter is only my only hope.
Hopefully some of the mistakes I've mentioned above can be avoided so that we can become a successful blogger.


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